Bernard's 60th Birthday at De Charmoy
I've worked a few functions at De Charmoy and absolutely adore this venue. So when owner, Cathy De Charmoy, contacted me to photograph her husbands 60th I was honoured. I arrived a little early in the afternoon so that we could take a few family photographs before all the guests arrived and the official evening began. Cocktails and snacks were served to guests as everyone mingled and caught up, alongside watching South Africa win their rugby game against the All Blacks. Once the game was over, everyone made their way to the star marquee where speeches were held and many stories told. It was so interesting hearing the stories of the past and what Bernard had been through to get to where he is now and see all the love that surrounds him by family, friends and work colleagues. What an incredible family! It was an honour being there to photograph this evening. Thank-you Cathy & Bernard. Sorry for the delay in getting these photographs out, but finall here they are.